For as long as anyone can remember Building #30 in the Fort Ontario Park complex has carried the weight of a 100 foot-long cement loading dock on its North side. And for the past 58 years, patrons entering the building, now called the Civic Arts Center, have had to maneuver this walkway to enter the building for plays and art exhibits. This week all that has begun to change.
The building is getting a new decking system that will replace the old Northside unit. And the South side deck will be updated and made more functional and safe as well. All this is possible through a grant received from the Richard S. Shineman Foundation in December 2020.
The Oswego Players were honored to have been awarded $160,000. for their “Capacity Planning and Capital Support Grant this year from the Richard S. Shineman Foundation. The new decking systems will include an access ramp on the east side of the building traveling from the north ramp to the rear parking lot. While the old ramp on the south side deck will be removed and the deck itself will be renovated. Anthony Pauldine Construction was awarded the contract for these projects and started work this past week.
In addition to these major exterior projects, the inside of the building has had many improvements as well. The Shineman Grant has afforded the OP the ability to install two new restrooms (one totally accessible for its patrons) and provided a new LED ceiling lighting system in the lobby. Keeping in mind that the goal of these projects is to improve patron experience, a new electrical system in the theater with new lighting and sound capabilities will enhance future productions in the Frances Marion Brown Theater.
It’s been a busy couple of years around the Civic Center. With the support of the City of Oswego and in particular Mayor Barlow and his administration and City Council, new heating and air conditioning units were install throughout the building last year, and a new fire alarm and security system now protect the integrity and safety of all those who enter the building.
The Oswego Players will officially open the Frances Marion Brown Theater to the public when the curtain opens in August. Dearly Departed, a hilarious comedy by David Bottrell and Jessie James will light up the stage August 6,7,8,13,14,15.