Rehearsals are in full swing for a fun, updated, gender-bending, “woke” musical version of “Peter Pan”, a production in Oswego Players’ 85th jubilee season.
As one of the longest-serving community theatre company in the nation, the Players have invested in the future with this latest show—casting actors as young as 5 (Tinker Belle) in the ensemble troupe. Come see the antics of the famous Boy Would Not Grow Up as conceived in the Edwardian age to a contemporary Girl Who Does Not Want to Grow Up.
Grow up tween Wendy Darling must, but on her way she takes her younger brothers off to the Never Land, where they encounter Flowers, Mermaids, Lost Boys and…of course…the dratted Captain Hook and his pirate gang. And watch out for the TICK TOCK of The Croc!
Come to support the energy and creativity of the multigenerational cast and enjoy this new twist on the timeless tale. Six performances at the Frances Marion Brown Theatre will run weekends August 18-20 and August 25-27 at Fort Ontario Park, Oswego, NY. Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm with Sunday matinee at 2 pm. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors. Open seating. Reservations may be made by calling (315) 343-5138 or going to
CAPTION: A new production of “Peter Pan” files into the Oswego Players. Peter Pan is Kieran and Tinker Belle is Charlotte. The production, part of the Oswego Players’ 85th anniversary season, will run weekends August 18-20 and August 25-27 at Fort Ontario Park, Oswego, NY. Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm with Sunday matinee at 2 pm. Reservations may be made by calling (315) 343-5138 or going to