So often when we go to a theater production, we get totally caught up in the action on the stage. If it’s a classic, we sit quietly as the actors recreate something from the past. If it’s a musical, we sometimes hum along with the music. When it’s a comedy we just sit back and have a good laugh for ourselves. And that is exactly what the magic of live theater is meant to do…totally immerse the audience in the moment.
So often we leave the theater talking about those emotions the play brought to bear. But how many times do we think about all the creative talents who worked “behind the scenes” orchestrating all the pieces that make up the totality of the production?
When “The Savannah Sipping Society” opens, Becky Kandt, Jennie Patrick, Caylyn Salmonsen, and Steve Standish will not be seen nor heard. But their talents will be ever present as they manage the many stage props and set ups the actors need to enhance the action of the play.
Steve Standish has surrounded himself with three capable Stage Managers for this show. Caylyn Salmonsen is a student at OHS and a member of the Oswego Players’ Theater Arts Youth Academy. And Becky Kandt and Jennie Patrick were seen recently in the OP production of the “Man Who Came to Dinner.” Together they will be the unseen team that sews the show together. Their attention to detail, organization, and timing are all too important to be overlooked. We celebrate them here and now with a huge “Thank You.”
“The Savannah Sipping Society” runs April 1,2,8,9 at 7:30 pm and April 3 &10 at 2:00 pm in the Frances Marion Brown Theater, Civic Arts Center, Oswego, NY. Tickets are $15 Adults, $10 Seniors & Students. Tickets are available by calling the box office at 315-343-5138 or going online: oswegoplayers.org.
Pictured are: Front: Caylyn Salmonsen and Steve Standish. Back: Becky Kandt and Jennie Patrick