“Now Ray, there’s not going to be any problems, are there?” Jennifer Waugh (Lucille) asks Eric Cronk playing Ray-Bud Turpin in “Dearly Departed.”
Poor Ray-Bud has to handle everything and everybody in the Turpin family, and his wife Lucille has to handle Ray-Bud. Which she does with a firm hand and a soothing voice. As the comedy unfolds Ray-Bud just can’t contain himself when it comes to dealing with his younger brother Junior, played by Joshua DeLorenzo. And the sparks fly from beginning to the hilarious ending of this timely family comedy by playwrights David Bottrell and Jessie Jones.
Eric Cronk is a veteran of the Oswego Players stage along with his wife Adele who plays Juanita in the show. Jennifer has appeared at CNY Community Arts and the OP in featured roles. This will be her first major role in a production. And she shines as Lucille.
Dearly Departed opens August 6th in the Frances Marion Brown Theater, 30 Barbara Donahue Dr. Oswego, NY and runs until August 15th.Performances are 7:30 pm Aug. 6, 7, 13, 14 and 2:00 pm on Aug. 8th and 15th.No online sales will be available for this production. Adults $15. Seniors & Students $10. Cash and Credit Card at the Box Office. Please give your vaccination status when you make your reservations. We ill seat you comfortably in our newly air conditioned theater.