Before the house lights go up, the actors and crew find themselves working a 5 or 6-week rehearsal schedule. However, this show’s production schedule has carried over from last year. The cast and crew were two weeks out from opening when COVID hit and they had to shut down. Now, over a year later, they are back at it and having great fun preparing for an early August opening.
“Casting” the show happens during auditions. As potential cast members read from the script, the director begins matching actors to roles.
After casting the show, the director and stage manager work with the actors on “blocking” the action. The blocking lays out where the actors move when they are on stage. Often blocking suggestions are written into the script by the playwright, but the director may make modifications as he or she sees fit.
For the first few weeks, everyone rehearses with script in hand. This time is utilized to work out any potential kinks in the action of the play.
Then props are added in order to enhance the overall impact of a scene. You can imagine how difficult it is to have a script in your hand, when you are supposed to be doing something interactive on stage with both hands. Getting all the actors “off book” is a big step in the production process.
The costumes for each of the characters are carefully selected, fitted, and incorporated into the final rehearsal schedule. Costumes solidify the characterizations the actors are trying to create.
Without question, the technical aspect of the play is a pivotal “piece of the pie” that brings a certain ambiance to the production. The technical crew create the sound and lighting effects that bring the play to life.
Rehearsals entail lots of work, lots of memorization, lots of patience, and in the case of “Dearly Departed,” lots of laughs. Everyone is so excited being back together creating magic on the Frances Marion Brown stage.
The cast and crew of “Dearly Departed” promise pure magic when the curtain opens and the lights go up on opening night, August 6th. Performances include August 6, 7, 13, 14, at 7:30 pm and August 8, 15 at 2:00 pm in the Frances Marion Brown Theater, Civic Arts Center, 30 Barbara Donahue Dr. Oswego, NY.
Ticket reservations go on sale July 1st and are available ONLY through the Box Office by calling 315-343-5138.
Adults: $15. Seniors and Students $10
Please indicate your vaccination status when making your phone reservation, so that we are able to seat you comfortably.
PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Adele Cronk and Juanita, Jennifer Waugh as Lucille Turpin, Gina Wentworth as Suzanne Turpin, and Alex Taylor as Delightful