Director Sherri Metz welcomes new actors to her hilarious farce “While the Lights Were Out.” Sherri looks forward to working with Desiree Martin and Richard Carpenter. Both Desiree and Richard have never had the opportunity to work with director Sherri Metz and to be a part of her skillfully crafted comedies. The Oswego Players production of “While the Lights Were Out” will run weekends September 6th-15th, 2024 at the Frances Marion Brown Theater at Fort Ontario in Oswego, NY

When asked about working with Sherri and being involved in this production, Desiree Martin stated that “I am very excited to be a part of this show!  Sherri is fantastic to work with; she’s so creative and inspiring. She has this amazing vision of what she wants, and she really knows how to bring out the characters inside of her actors, which, I might add, are so talented and fun. Every rehearsal I end up laughing until my sides hurt!”

Desiree Martin is an Oswego native who has recently returned to the area, bringing her husband and two children. Since she was a young child, Martin has been a lover of the Arts, performing on and off the stage. One of her favorite roles has been Rizzo in “Grease” and has enjoyed participating in her local music scene before returning to Upstate NY. Expressing herself creatively is very important, whether it’s putting brush to canvas, sewing, crochet, or other mediums. Hair, makeup, and fashion are also a passion of hers. Martin is a singer, dancer, and actress, winning multiple awards for vocals and dance.

Richard Carpenter might be a relative newcomer to the stage, but he has talent in his genes. Richard is the nephew of fellow cast member and experienced actor Kevin Colvin. Carpenter’s acting credits include Samuel Savage in “The Curious Savage”, Topper in “A Christmas Carol” and Rudy in “The Game of the Week”, which was 2023 Don McCann Playwriting co-winner. He was most recently seen on stage in the Oswego Players April production of the “Arkansaw Bear” as the Ringmaster. Richard’s hobbies are reading and playing games. He aspires to be an author and write his own novels and plays.

“While the Lights Were Out” is an intriguing mystery right from the start. A thunderstorm! The lights go out! An agonized voice! A pistol shot! The lights come up! A blonde in black lace stands over the dead man holding a bloody dagger! The detective examines the body and announces, “He’s been strangled!” This is but the opening of one of the most astounding and hilarious murder mysteries ever staged. Every clue is a lulu and the plot twists furiously. The final solution involves the most bizarre motive ever conceived.

Tickets for “While the Lights Were Out” are now available for purchase at the box office. Friday and Saturday night performances are at 7:30PM, with Sunday matinees at 2PM. Tickets are $17 for adults, $13 for seniors, and $12 for students and may be obtained by purchasing tickets online at or calling the Players’ box office at (315) 343-5138.

“While the Lights Were Out” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Richard Carpenter and Desiree Martin prepare to find the funny as director Sherri Metz famously puts it. You can see this new talent in Jack Sharkey’s “While the Lights Were Out”, which will run weekends September 6th -15th on stage at the Frances Marion Brown Theater. Tickets may be obtained by calling the Box Office at (315) 343-5138, or by clicking on the link at