Steve Standish loves community theater and the Oswego Players, Inc. is a favorite place for him. He has been a loyal member, actor, stage manager, and officer on the Board of Directors during his time with the group. Steve says, with a huge smile on his face, “It’s about having fun.” And fun he has at whatever task he takes on with the Players.
This time around, Steve has been tapped as Stage Manager for the production of “Dearly Departed” and as such is playing an important role in its success. He spends his time at rehearsals following the script, prompting the actors when necessary and giving constructive feedback at the end of each scene. And when the production opens he will be responsible for getting actors in their places and props where they belong. He is a master at all of this.
By his side is Theater Arts Youth Academy (TAYA) member Katie Gerth, who also loves theater and has played numerous roles in the TAYA. Katie is Steve’s “right hand lady” and finds herself loving every minute of this production. A recent graduate of G.R.B High School in Fulton, Katie will be attending Keuka College in the fall. We love having Katie around the Players and wish her well on the new chapter of her journey.
“Dearly Departed” plays Aug 6, 7, 13, 14 at 7:30 pm and Aug. 8, 15 at 2 pm in the FMB Theater, 30 Barbara Donahue Dr. Oswego.
Admission for adults is $15; seniors and students $10.
Reservation for this Production can only be made by calling the Oswego Players’ box office at 315-343-5138.