This great conversation was overheard the other day by an Oswego Players’ member. It seems Husband and wife Norval and Veda were chatting while picnicking at Breitbeck Park. The conversation went something like this…
NORVAL: “Now who be behind that newspaper in this here picture? And who be knittin’ away like they ain’t no tomorrow?”
VEDA: “Well, must be them Turpin folks from down South.”
NORVAL: “How d’ya know ‘bout them, honey?”
VEDA: “Cause we read they was a-comin to Oswega fer a short stay over there at the Fort Ontario place. You got a mind like a sieve, dumplin. Want a cracker, Norval?”
NORVAL: “Oh yea, right and ain’t they bringin’ a bunch of their clan along with ‘em?”
VEDA: “Yep, they is. They be playin’ in the Frances Marion Brown Theater. Let’s see, August 6, 7, 13, 14 they be on the stage at 7:30 in the e’vnin and at 2:00 in da afternoon on August 8, 15.”
NORVAL: “Well how do we gets ta see ‘em?
VEDA: “If we wants to meet up with ‘em, we gots ta call the Oswego Players box office and get some tickets. I hear dat grownups can get in fer 15 bucks and we seniors and them youngsters get to go fer 10.”
NORVAL: “Hey, I hear them Players folks got new chairs to sit in. ‘Cause them old ones were a pain in the…..”
VEDA: “Ain’t that right, Norval. Hear thems nice an’ cushy too!”
NORVAL: “And what if it be too hot out? Weather been toasty lately.”
VEDA: “Well, heard tell they got new air conditionin’ in the place as well. Want a cracker, Norval?”
NORVAL: “Smacker? What’s a smacker, honey?
VEDA: “I’m callin this here box office number, 315-343-5138, and getting’ my name on the list. I heard tell, them Turpin folks is a hoot to listen to.
NORVAL: “Well make me one of them reserves too, will ya, sweetie?
VEDA: “Sure, dumplin, but pass me a $10 bill now. You still owe fer the last time.”
Raynelle Turpin (Tammy Thompson) and Ray Turpin (who?) find themselves enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast in this opening scene of “Dearly Departed” And the question is…who is behind that newspaper?
Oswego Players’ Box Office taking reservations now: 315-343-5138
For More Information: oswegoplayers.org