Many times in the evolution of community theater, a member of the organization will get the “directing bug.” Often this comes after acting in a number of plays or being the stage manager of a few productions.
The director has two basic responsibilities: (1) to bring about a unified vision within the finished production, and (2) to lead others toward its ultimate actualization. To meet these charges, the director must organize the realization of his or her vision. The director must decide upon the interpretation to be given the play, cast and rehearse the actors; and coordinate all elements into the finished production.
We are always looking for new directors who want to bring their unique talents and ideas to the Frances Marion Brown Theater. Over the years we have established clear guidelines for Members of the Oswego Players and Non-Members recognizing that the Director’s role is pivotal to the quality of the performances. If you are interested at becoming a director and looking at the directing qualifications we ask you to please fill out a contact form on this website.